The Best Churches in Limerick

The best church in Limerick. A divine title, the holy grail, from stunning Gothic architecture to modern marvels, these holy structures are sure to leave you in a state of reflection. Whether you're a keen church goer or an architectural worshiper, it’s hard to beat a good church. Let's take a closer look at some of the best churches in the city and see which ones are worthy of our "Prayer Meter"!

St. Mary's Cathedral

This Gothic masterpiece is the holy grail of churches in Limerick. With towering spires and intricate stone carvings, it's like a medieval castle that's been blessed by the heavens. And the stained glass windows? Well, let's just say they're like a kaleidoscope of colors, the candles are long lasting and some of the best we found around the city. The pews are comfy, albeit a little too much and one may be tempted to nod off during a particularly long mass. Redemption Meter: 9/10

Illustration of St Mary's cathedral in Limerick city


St. John's Cathedral

If you're looking for a Gothic Revival wonderland, St. John's is the church for you. The soaring spire (81 meters!) and detailed woodwork will have you feeling like you're in a fairy tale. And the stained glass windows? Well they're a bit small actually. But the altar makes up for where the windows lack. The altar is made of Limerick Marble, I didn't know there was such a thing but there you are! The holy water is kept at a tepid temperature year round and it’s this keen eye to detail that ranks St. Johns highly on our Prayer Meter: 8/10

Illustration of St John's cathedral in Limerick City, Ireland

Redemptorists Church

The Reds! I went to St.Clements secondary school so have frequented this church on numerous occasions (I had the role of holding the spotlight during the nativity play in first year, a very important role) .The soaring ceiling and ornate altar create a sense of grandeur that's hard to match. And the candles? Some of the best around, great light ability, long lasting and some say they come directly from the Vatican. But the standout feature of this church is the echo, open the lungs and let out a great awe and you’ll know what I mean, or maybe leave it to the choir, probably for the best. Redemption Meter: 10/10 (terrible bias here)

Illustration of The Redemptorists in Limerick City, Ireland

St. Michael's Church

This humble church may be small, but it's mighty in its beauty. The stone walls and arches create a cozy atmosphere that's perfect for quiet reflection. Nestled amongst the night club district (can we still call it that?) This church may go unnoticed by the revelers of the night but it is a beacon of reflection for its parishioners. Fun fact: I used to have a market stall and we kept our marquee behind the church, it got stolen once and miraculously a great priest managed to get it back for us, divine intervention. Prayer Meter: 7/10 

Illustration of St Michaels in Limerick city Ireland

Limerick City's churches are a divine mix of architectural beauty and spirituality. They are the spaces and places that often define the visual landscape of our city. Whether you're looking for architectural inspiration in there soaring spires or cozy stone walls, these holy places are sure to leave you feeling redeemed. At The 061 we love all things Limerick, while you’re here have a look in the Siopa, In the name of the father, the son and the 061. Have a blessed day. 

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